
China follows the Yosemite Decimal grading System (YDS). All grades shown in this guide are YDS’.

On all pictures, routes were drawn following a simple colour coding system, inspired from ski resorts:

  • 线路难度到5.9
  • 线路难度5.10a-5.10d
  • 线路难度5.11a-5.11d
  • 线路难度5.12a及以上

永远记住,成绩是主观的和指示性的。 我们不能保证本网站上显示的等级的准确性。 如果您不确定是否可以攀登给定的路线,我们强烈建议您保留一些余量,并敦促您不要冒任何不考虑的风险。

Depending on the country you are coming from, the following table will enable you to convert to your local system.