How to use this website
The purpose of this website is to make it easy for local or visiting climbers to find their desired climbing site and climb their aspired route, by providing them with accurate information that will render their journey simple and as safe as rock climbing allows.
Thanks to a small group of devoted climbers’ hard work, Qingdao now counts 8 large climbing areas, subdivided in 52 (and growing) climbing sites.
Climbing sites
Each climbing site can offer up to 15 routes and our website will present you with the following information:
- climbing site location (and GPS directions)
- through interactive pictures, so that you can visually find your desired climbing site
- through interactive maps
- by clicking on the maps icon
that will launch GPS directions on your iPhone (and other, but not all, brands).
- climbing site orientation
, so that you can better plan for your day, depending on sun exposition
- climbing style, sport
or trad
, although several sites offer a combination of both.
Climbing routes
- estimated grade, accordingly to the YDS grading system.
- rope length, which can be inaccurate. Safety is paramount, please read our disclaimer first.
- Equipment in place. Icons and descriptive conventions are explained here.
- First Free Ascent climber. You’ll undoubtedly notice some recurring names of local legends but also that many routes are still open to FFA!
- Set volunteers, who spent a huge lot of time, and a significant amount of personal money, to let us all build some unforgettable memories on Qingdao’s beautiful granite rock.
All 260+ climbing routes are listed here.
Whilst this is still work in progress, you can learn more about the pioneers and local legends who did so much for our local climbing community.