On the route

Belaying a climber

Spotting the climber at the start of the route

Spot until the first point is clipped
Be alert and mobile for the first points

Belay position

Pay attention. Using belay glasses can help remaining focused on the climber, in total comfort. Do NOT take pictures or consult your phone while belaying.

Always hold the brake-side rope.

Keep your feet staggered, for stability.

Stay close to the wall, don’t leave excess slack in the system. Any unnecessary rope slack may result in a severe accident.

Giving slack

Taking up slack

Holding a fall

For a dynamic belay, do a small jump or take a step forward to reduce the impact force on the climber:


Clipping at waist level

Clipping a quickdraw above your head doesn’t make you safer. More often than not, it is actually quite the opposite.
The most common clipping techniques (other techniques exist). Practice them at home or at the gym, with both hands, on both sides.

Clipping errors to avoid

Errors to avoid

Rope behind leg
Do not grab a quickdraw when falling.
Do not skip a quickdraw.
Be sure to manage rope drag on the route. This is where having quickdraws of different lengths helps.