Sunshine corner – 阳光角岩场

1. Keyboard / 键盘

5.10a 15m, 3  +

FFA: 夏禹. Set: 花鼠, 甲子, 浪人, March 2023.

2. Three heads and six arms / 三头六臂

5.10b 15m, 5  +

FFA: 甲子. Set: 花鼠, 甲子, 浪人, March 2023.

3. Red monkey / 红腚猴子

5.10a 15m, 6  +

FFA: 夏禹. Set: 花鼠, 浪人, March 2023.

4. Fried eyes / 炸眼

5.10a 22m, 6  +

Rock falls are possible on this line. Be very prudent when going into the overhang. No one should stay on the way of potential falling rocks and the belayer should get ready to seek protection towards his right hand-side.

FFA: 王小艺. Set: 花鼠, 甲子, 浪人, March 2023.

5. Bully / 牛氓

Open 30m, 6  +

FFA: . Set: 花鼠, March 2023.

6. Windproof sunglasses / 防风墨镜

5.8 23m, 3  +

FFA: 浪人. Set: 甲子, March 2023.

7. Happy sheep / 喜羊羊

5.10a 10m, 3  +

FFA: Txomin. Set: 花鼠, 甲子, March 2023.

8. Junior league / 青团

Open 20m, 7  +

FFA: . Set: 花鼠, 甲子, March 2023.

9. Melancholy Zhou Lang / 忧郁周郎

V4 4m, 2  + 2

FFA: 甲子. Set: 花鼠, 甲子, April 2023.

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