South-West face – 三块肉岩场

1. Bird watching / 坐山观鸟

5.7 xxm,  + 2

FFA: 俊海. Set: 俊海

2. Walk with birds / 与鸟同行

5.8 15 m,  + 2

FFA:. Set: 俊海

3. Thankgiving / 感恩

5.10a 18m, 6  +

Stay on the left of the ridge as much as you can. Climbing over the ridge to its right side makes this route a bit easier (5.9?).

FFA: 张怡琳. Set: 俊海 &Ben, 2019

4. Lan Lan / 蓝蓝

5.10a 16m, 6  + 1

Some interesting moves in the dihedral, until the mantle below the anchor.

FFA: Celina. Set: 俊海, Pulso &薯片, 2021

5. Pork belly / 五花肉

5.10a 18 m, 5  +


6. Three pieces of meat / 三块肉

5.10a 25m, 6  +

FFA: 海伦. Set: 竹竿, 2009

7. Meat meat / 肉肉

5.10a 20m, 6  +

How high do you think you can put your right foot?

FFA: 狼朗. Set: 竹竿, 2009

8. Unnamed 59 / 未命名 59

Open XX m,

FFA: . Set: 甲子, 花鼠, October 2023.

9. Black skin / 黑皮

5.10a 12 m, 3  + 2

FFA: 甲子. Set: 甲子, 花鼠, October 2023.

10. August osmanthus fragrance / 八月桂花香

Open 15 m, 6  + 2

FFA: . Set: 甲子, 花鼠, October 2023.

11. Unnamed 60 / 未命名 60

Open XX m,

FFA: . Set: 甲子, 花鼠, October 2023.

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