Bumper harvest B – 大丰收B岩场

1. Ukraine bleeds / 血祭乌克兰

5.10d 11 m, 3  + 2

FFA: 文献. Set: 周昱馨, October 2021

2. Amnesia / 我想想

5.10b 12 m, 3  + 2

There is one thing you should remember, though: don’t lose too much energy in the first few moves, a last one is waiting for you below the anchor.

FFA: 王龙龙. Set: 磊, October 2021

3. Son of the wind / 风之子

5.10d 12 m, 4  + 2

A boulder problem to start with, which is the crux. Another move (5.10c?) leads to the very high third bolt that is hard to reach for normally sized climbers. Very exposed move where you don’t want to experience a fall. Climb safely!

FFA: 花鼠 . Set: 花鼠, October 2021

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