Bumper harvest A – 大丰收A岩场

1. The guy further north / 普京是大哥

5.10c 60 m,

  • P1 / 第一段: 5.10c, 20 m,  + xx
  • P2 / 第二段: 5.9, 22 m,  + tree
  • P3 / 第三段: 5.9, 18 m,  + xx
  • Descent / 下来: XXX
FFA: 文献. Set: 文献、花鼠、周昱馨, February 2022

2. Flowers for Buddha / 借花献佛

5.10c 20 m, 5  + 2

A long and pumpy Dülfer all the way up, followed by an aesthetic traverse below the anchor. The second bolt is high and hard to clip if you don’t have extremely long arms. Be prepare to being dangerously exposed.

FFA: 花鼠. Set: 花鼠, May 2021

3. With coupons / 有挂片

Open 23 m, 8  + 2

FFA: . Set: 文献、花鼠

4. Invicible / 百毒不侵

5.10d 25 m,  + 2

FFA: 周昱馨. Set: 文献、花鼠, June 2021

5. Gang of four / 四人帮

5.10b 27 m,  + 2

FFA: 文献. Set: 文献, June 2021

6. FuShan squad / 浮山小分队

5.10a 65 m,

  • P1 / 第一段: 5.10a, 25 m,  + xx
  • P2 / 第二段: 5.8, 20 m,  + tree
  • P3 / 第三段: 5.9, 20 m,  + xx
  • Descent / 下来: XXX
FFA: 文献. Set: 文, 涛, 磊, 花鼠, June 2021

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